Every day
When they surfing my blog
And feel the emotions and love
And feel with the illusion
I feel scared
I see a shadow
Every day when surfing
When you read what I wrote
Feeling in my mind
And Inajini
Like he was watching me
Reminds me of my mistakes in the
Draws my attention to my defects
Vtmron on my blog every day
You vote my conscience
There Thrmonni of your views and criticisms
I am blogging for you
مرسلة بواسطة cry angel في 1:40 م 15 التعليقات
you love me
Take me with you.
Take me wherever you go.
Take me with your presence.
As long as your essence.
Don't leave,
i just really want you.
i do even need.
and most of all i love you.
Let me know you love me.
The way that you care about me.
Make me more special.
Especially with your essential.
i dont want back ups.
I even dont want break ups.
Just be mine forever.
And wait till we will totally together
مرسلة بواسطة cry angel في 5:08 م 0 التعليقات
التسميات: love ma
I Believe in Angels
All About Heavenly Guardian Angels
Heavenly angels, often referred to as guardian angels, are mentioned numerous times in the Scriptures. Therein we learn that angels are spiritual beings created by God to serve him, and sent by God to watch over the human race, to deliver his message, to guard and protect us from danger, to do battle with other spiritual beings on our behalf.
Since the beginning of time, angels have delivered God's messages to mankind. Sometimes the messages are warnings of impending danger, sometimes instructions as to what to do in a particular situation, sometimes they are simply "there" as protection from enemy forces. Sometimes they bring joyful announcements as in the day they announced the birth of Jesus.
I am often asked by skeptics, Why do we need angels? In truth, I don't know. God can deal with us in any way that pleases him to do so. He can speak with us directly, in a burning bush, in dreams, visions and specifically through the Scriptures. Yet, he also employs angels. The Scripture says angels were created for his pleasure. Perhaps it is as simple as that -- it pleases God to send the supernatural heavenly beings we call "angels" to minister to his children.
I don't know about you .... but
I Believe in Angels!
مرسلة بواسطة cry angel في 10:11 م 0 التعليقات
In the arms of an angel
In the arms of an angel
(spend all your time waiting for that second chance)
(For the break that will make it ok)
(there's always some reason to feel not good enough)
(and it's hard at the end of the day)
(I need some distraction or a beautiful release)
(memories seep from my veins)
(let me be empty and weightless and maybe)
(I'll find some peace tonight)
( In the arms of an angel far away from here)
(from this dark, cold hotel room)
(and the endlessness that you feel)
(you are pulled from the wreckage of your silent reverie)
(you're in the arms of the angel, may you find some comfort here)
(spend all your time waiting for that second chance)
(For the break that will make it ok)
(there's always some reason to feel not good enough)
(and it's hard at the end of the day)
(I need some distraction or a beautiful release)
(memories seep from my veins)
(let me be empty and weightless and maybe)
(I'll find some peace tonight)
( In the arms of an angel far away from here)
(from this dark, cold hotel room)
(and the endlessness that you feel)
(you are pulled from the wreckage of your silent reverie)
(you're in the arms of the angel, may you find some comfort here)
مرسلة بواسطة cry angel في 1:09 ص 4 التعليقات
‘I love you’

It was such an awesome dayand I stopped to stare up at the sky.My heart skipped a beat as I heard you speakwhen you asked the angel, “Why?”
“I wrote ‘I love you’ in the skyas big and as plain as can be.How can she stand down there and look up hereand still not be able to see?”
The clouds were broken and thin,and swirled randomly through the air.I searched and strained at all that remainedof the swirls of white still there.
The angel’s voice was soft and lowas I smiled and raised my brow,and I heard her say in the strangest way“She’s starting to see it now.”
There’s a bittersweet peace in my souland a sense of awesome prideknowing you’re up there writing words in the air,and our love has never died.
“I wrote ‘I love you’ in the skyas big and as plain as can be.How can she stand down there and look up hereand still not be able to see?”
The clouds were broken and thin,and swirled randomly through the air.I searched and strained at all that remainedof the swirls of white still there.
The angel’s voice was soft and lowas I smiled and raised my brow,and I heard her say in the strangest way“She’s starting to see it now.”
There’s a bittersweet peace in my souland a sense of awesome prideknowing you’re up there writing words in the air,and our love has never died.
مرسلة بواسطة cry angel في 12:45 ص 0 التعليقات
bad angels

An angel is a bodiless, immortal spirit, limited in knowledge and power. God created angels to worship Him. Not all God's angels acted angelically, however. Some angels, led by Satan, rebelled against a life of submission, and were cast out of Heaven. These bad angels were sent to Hell and are known as devils.
مرسلة بواسطة cry angel في 1:09 م 39 التعليقات
I Believe in Angels

All About Heavenly Guardian Angels
Heavenly angels, often referred to as guardian angels, are mentioned numerous times in the Scriptures. Therein we learn that angels are spiritual beings created by God to serve him, and sent by God to watch over the human race, to deliver his message, to guard and protect us from danger, to do battle with other spiritual beings on our behalf.
Since the beginning of time, angels have delivered God's messages to mankind. Sometimes the messages are warnings of impending danger, sometimes instructions as to what to do in a particular situation, sometimes they are simply "there" as protection from enemy forces. Sometimes they bring joyful announcements as in the day they announced the birth of Jesus.
I am often asked by skeptics, Why do we need angels? In truth, I don't know. God can deal with us in any way that pleases him to do so. He can speak with us directly, in a burning bush, in dreams, visions and specifically through the Scriptures. Yet, he also employs angels. The Scripture says angels were created for his pleasure. Perhaps it is as simple as that -- it pleases God to send the supernatural heavenly beings we call "angels" to minister to his children.
I don't know about you .... but
I Believe in Angels!
مرسلة بواسطة cry angel في 12:08 ص 0 التعليقات
Angels in the World

"... Angels' footsteps pass gently in our midst like falling snowflakes, silent and innumerable. Transparent before us, free of time and space they go unnoticed, but not untouched. Their nature is intertwined with our own, as created beings like ourselves. Immortal spirits, their singular purpose remains hidden, until ... at the Creator's wish they manifest themselves in all their glory. Understated glory perhaps, for to our masked perception all that is given to understand is a mere whisper, dream, or sign. Their secrecy beguiles us. Perhaps all this mystery is with good reason, for if we were to gaze upon an angel's true likeness, we may nearly die from the joy of their celestial light ..."
مرسلة بواسطة cry angel في 11:28 م 0 التعليقات